Sunday 28 February 2016

India - Varkala

This morning I woke at around 7:00 and just relaxed for a bit. (I can never sleep in, so annoying).
I met with the group around 9:00 to leave for Varkala.

It was about an hour and a half drive from Trivandrum. When I arrived I was so amazed, it was so incredibly beautiful and our home stay was right on the cliff face overlooking the crystal clear ocean. It was a very nice surprise and a nice change from the hectic city of Trivandrum.

After admiring the view we went to our rooms where I had time to freshen up and chill for a bit. We then went for a walk along the cliff face where there are endless restaurants and small market stalls for you to look at. When we got to the beach we stopped to again admire the view and we then had lunch at a place called ‘my place’. I got a veg curry which was soooo yummy, but super filling and didn't leave me feeling my best L, but the taste may have been worth it. The curry was 100 rupee which converts roughly to $2 and the rice was 70 rupee which converts to $1.40. Soo #3.40 for a massive meal with an amazing taste, need I say more?

I then went for a swim on the beach with the two English girls Josie and (sorry I'm terrible with names). It was really nice to be in the ocean again. It was super salty, although I didn't mind thatJ.
We then hung out for a bit and spoke about random things that we didn't know our countries had in common.

I then walked back to try and find a yoga class. I found one (which wasn’t hard, they are everywhere). It started at 4:30 so I just had enough time to run back to my hotel and get some appropriate clothes on.

I then went back to the building where the yoga class was held. It was on the rooftop in the nice cool breeze overlooking the ocean. It was heaven. The class was very different to what I am used to but it was very enjoyable and interesting.

At the end of the class, then man was telling me how it is a new system of yoga that is not taught everywhere. It involves centring the body after a sequence of flow and readjusting the spine, so the body is reading for the next sequence of phase. His explanation of the practise made a lot of sense to me especially as I have had a lot of troubles with my back before I came to India. He was very wise and I thoroughly enjoyed the class and his teaching.

The class finished around 6:00, and then we chatted for half an hour so I got out of there around 6:30.
I then went back to my room, quickly got changed and went out for dinner with the group. We went to a place with a TV as most of the husbands were interested in the cricket (Pakistan versus India). I still wasn't feeling the best after the curry so I had some fruit and a fresh juice which made me feel a bit betterJ. I think I’ll be sticking to fruit for breakfast (as always) and lunch tomorrow, or for a couple of days. I'm just not used to eating savoury foods for lunch, but I will come around I’m sureJ.  I went home a little earlier than the rest of the crew, as I was fairly tired.

Overall, the view of the ocean and crystal clear water, and the hotel on the cliff face won me over.

Jess xx

India - Trivandrum - 26/02/2016

I arrived in Trivandrum at 3:30 this morning and got to my hotel at about 4:00 (Australian time). The hotel was very nice and comfortable which was good. I had a quick shower, BRUSHED my teeth and got into bed. It took me a while to get to sleep. I was sooo tired on the flight and in the car on the way to the hotel, but as soon as I hit the bed I was wide awake. I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up at about 12:00 Australian time and about 6:30 indian time, so I got a fairly good sleep. I decided to go for a walk at about 8:00, the streets and the roads were very busy but majority of the shops were still closed (as most open at ten).

It was a very busy city. I got a lot of stares from everyone. And by taking a 20 minute walk I already saw how men dominant this city (and this country) was. Men ruled the market stalls, all shops, even the dress shops and they ruled the streets.

I went back to my hotel and ate breakfast there. Lots of fruit and the pineapple was very tasty!
I then caught up on some reading. Went for another walk and by that time it was time for lunch. I went to a small pure veg restaurant and ordered a dall fry with rice, which is milk and ghee free J. It was very good!

I then walked back to the hotel. On the way I passed a strike (I did ask but I forget what it was for). Workers had sat in the middle of a very busy street and stopped traffic. Police were there holding barricades. I took a quick look and then kept walking.

Once I was back at the hotel I decided to do some more reading. I then fell asleep (I must have needed it). I then woke up at about 5:30 and then I started getting ready for the tour meeting at 6:00.
We met down stairs in the restaurant. Everyone was really nice. There was 5 couples in total. A couple from England aged in their 60’s, a couple from Brisbane, a couple from Adelaide and two girls from England as well (then were 18 and 19).

We spoke for about an hour and then went out for dinner where I got another dall fry (haha). This one was a lot spicier but very good!

We then walked back and went to bed for a much needed sleep.

Jess xx

India - 25/02/2016

Today I flew out of Sydney on my way to Trivandrum, India!
I went to check in at the airport and was told I could not board as I did not have a return ticket.

Soooo I had to book a ticket leaving India, and arriving in Thailand (which was the plan all along anyway) I just didn't want a date deadline.
Anyway after I booked the flight I was able to check-in. I didn’t have long to say my goodbyes to mum and dad before I boarded my flight. It was very sad and there was a lot of tears (from mum and I), I will definitely miss them a lot.

I then boarded my flight with Singapore airlines. This airline is seriously so amazing. They provided two amazing vegan meals. One fettucini with vegetables and a tomato sauce, and one sour dough bread roll with zucchini and a type of chutney. They were both really good!!

It was a 7.5 hour flight and I devoured a few cliff bars along the way as well J
I am currently at Singapore airport, where I have a 2 hour stop over. I just got some sushi as a second dinner as I was hungry and it was really yum!!
I have to board in about 15 minutes, where I have another 4 hours before arriving in Trivandrum, India. I hope I get sleep on this flight! I’m going to be sooo naked! I think I will arrive in Trivandrum around 3:00 Australian time!
So that’s it for tonight, I’m off to board my next plane, and probably eat another cliff bar (haha)

Jess xx

India Bound - 24/02/2016

Today I left home and travelled to Sydney. I spent the day eating and getting last minute essentials for my trip to India!

We ate at bare naked bowls in Manly on our way into the city. It was Amazinggggggggg. So delicious and a great last lunch meal before I hit up the curries, rice and naan bread.
My mum and I then went to broad way to get some last minute essentials – bananas, adapter and travel journal!

My family – mum, dad and my sister Maddi, then took me out to dinner to a favourite of mine – green gourmet, where we feasted on dumplings, vegetables buns, rice and soups. It also was sooo delicious and incredible.

When then went back to our hotel for an early--ish night to prepare myself for the flight tomorrow. I am not sure exactly what emotions I’m feeling… It’s just a weird feeling. Although I do know that I’m definitely excited for the new and foreign experiences to come. 

Jess xx