Sunday 28 February 2016

India - Trivandrum - 26/02/2016

I arrived in Trivandrum at 3:30 this morning and got to my hotel at about 4:00 (Australian time). The hotel was very nice and comfortable which was good. I had a quick shower, BRUSHED my teeth and got into bed. It took me a while to get to sleep. I was sooo tired on the flight and in the car on the way to the hotel, but as soon as I hit the bed I was wide awake. I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up at about 12:00 Australian time and about 6:30 indian time, so I got a fairly good sleep. I decided to go for a walk at about 8:00, the streets and the roads were very busy but majority of the shops were still closed (as most open at ten).

It was a very busy city. I got a lot of stares from everyone. And by taking a 20 minute walk I already saw how men dominant this city (and this country) was. Men ruled the market stalls, all shops, even the dress shops and they ruled the streets.

I went back to my hotel and ate breakfast there. Lots of fruit and the pineapple was very tasty!
I then caught up on some reading. Went for another walk and by that time it was time for lunch. I went to a small pure veg restaurant and ordered a dall fry with rice, which is milk and ghee free J. It was very good!

I then walked back to the hotel. On the way I passed a strike (I did ask but I forget what it was for). Workers had sat in the middle of a very busy street and stopped traffic. Police were there holding barricades. I took a quick look and then kept walking.

Once I was back at the hotel I decided to do some more reading. I then fell asleep (I must have needed it). I then woke up at about 5:30 and then I started getting ready for the tour meeting at 6:00.
We met down stairs in the restaurant. Everyone was really nice. There was 5 couples in total. A couple from England aged in their 60’s, a couple from Brisbane, a couple from Adelaide and two girls from England as well (then were 18 and 19).

We spoke for about an hour and then went out for dinner where I got another dall fry (haha). This one was a lot spicier but very good!

We then walked back and went to bed for a much needed sleep.

Jess xx

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