Sunday 28 February 2016

India Bound - 24/02/2016

Today I left home and travelled to Sydney. I spent the day eating and getting last minute essentials for my trip to India!

We ate at bare naked bowls in Manly on our way into the city. It was Amazinggggggggg. So delicious and a great last lunch meal before I hit up the curries, rice and naan bread.
My mum and I then went to broad way to get some last minute essentials – bananas, adapter and travel journal!

My family – mum, dad and my sister Maddi, then took me out to dinner to a favourite of mine – green gourmet, where we feasted on dumplings, vegetables buns, rice and soups. It also was sooo delicious and incredible.

When then went back to our hotel for an early--ish night to prepare myself for the flight tomorrow. I am not sure exactly what emotions I’m feeling… It’s just a weird feeling. Although I do know that I’m definitely excited for the new and foreign experiences to come. 

Jess xx

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