Sunday 28 February 2016

India - 25/02/2016

Today I flew out of Sydney on my way to Trivandrum, India!
I went to check in at the airport and was told I could not board as I did not have a return ticket.

Soooo I had to book a ticket leaving India, and arriving in Thailand (which was the plan all along anyway) I just didn't want a date deadline.
Anyway after I booked the flight I was able to check-in. I didn’t have long to say my goodbyes to mum and dad before I boarded my flight. It was very sad and there was a lot of tears (from mum and I), I will definitely miss them a lot.

I then boarded my flight with Singapore airlines. This airline is seriously so amazing. They provided two amazing vegan meals. One fettucini with vegetables and a tomato sauce, and one sour dough bread roll with zucchini and a type of chutney. They were both really good!!

It was a 7.5 hour flight and I devoured a few cliff bars along the way as well J
I am currently at Singapore airport, where I have a 2 hour stop over. I just got some sushi as a second dinner as I was hungry and it was really yum!!
I have to board in about 15 minutes, where I have another 4 hours before arriving in Trivandrum, India. I hope I get sleep on this flight! I’m going to be sooo naked! I think I will arrive in Trivandrum around 3:00 Australian time!
So that’s it for tonight, I’m off to board my next plane, and probably eat another cliff bar (haha)

Jess xx

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